islamic sms services

Contact Us

011 021 4311
011 837 2123

P. O. Box 1277
Crown Mines
South Africa

About Us

Islamic SMS provides an Islamic SMS Service to the people of South Africa, for the mercy of Allah SWT.

Allah سبحانه وتعالى‎  revealed the Qur’aan to Nabi Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and instructed him to explain it to us.

Nabi Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) accordingly explained and showed us the manner of acting upon the Qur’aan. His words and actions are termed as “AHAdith” (single – hadith).

Allah سبحانه وتعالى‎  has ordered us in the Qur’aan to obey Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم). The only way to obey him is to know Ahadith.

Refusal to believe in, or act upon Ahadith amounts to refusal to believe in, and act upon the Commands of Allah  سبحانه وتعالى‎  and the words of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم). This leads one out of the fold of Islam.



The primary purpose of teaching Ahadith is:

  • To memorise the Ahadith
  • To encourage practice of Sunnah in our daily lives
  • To develop a desire to earn reward (Thawaab)

Vision of Islamic SMS

To touch the life’s of all Muslims via SMS service for a time of reflection in today’s fast paced life.



Mission of Islamic SMS

  • Educate General public on important Hadiths
  • Duaas request from the general public for our deceased brothers and sisters
  • Enlightenment through distributed CD ‘s Kitabs and much more
  • Support of talks and events in your area
  • Uplifting of the poor and needy local and abroad by the Al Quds Foundation through various projects



Objectives of Islamic SMS

  • Improve our communities knowledge of ahadeeth and make dua that we all practice upon the ahadeeth,Insha’Allah
  • Maximise subscribers to Islamic SMS to assist the Al Quds Foundation to carry out humanitarian efforts worldwide
  • Advertise on our website for free E-mail us
  • Be notified of funerals and important Islamic events in your area